
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

To what extent do you agree with free market economics being more Essay - 1

To what extent do you agree with free market economics being more effective than a mixed economy in two different countries - Essay Example In contrast, a mixed economy captures the traits ascribed to the command economic system as well as the free market system. The mixed economy is the most favourable global economic system, with a few exceptions. In this regard, I will exemplify two countries, Japan and Russia, in which for a long time, the government has always influenced key economic decisions. In the market economy, the government plays a minor role of regulation like ensuring fair competition among the various players in the industry. However, it is emergent that in this system, the element of a free market tends to dominate the mainstream market. There are some sectors in which the forces of demand and supply are not allowed to prevail. Areas like public education, road construction and military spending, the provision of medical supplies, and the building of hospitals are just but the areas with which the populace cannot gamble via the free market system. These areas are sensitive and require a commanding author ity, and that is how the government comes in-the reason for a mixed economy. Apart from the sensitive areas, the free market system is a good system. With mixed economy, so much planning is required which is a waste of time and resources. The bureaucracies involved are cumbersome since a certain order must be followed unlike the free market where decisions are quickly made and demand and supply influence such decisions. A high level of efficiency is normally witnessed in the free market. This is mostly in responding to customers taste and preferences where if one enters a supermarket his or her money determines what to purchase, unlike the mixed economy where sometimes decisions on what to buy are provided by a monopoly controlled by the government, where quality is normally compromised (Sloman, 2009). In a free market, there are different service or commodity suppliers, so with such numbers, quality couple with additional

Monday, October 28, 2019

Approaches to Economic Development

Approaches to Economic Development THE ECONOMICS OF DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS AND APPROACHES Meaning of the term ‘Economic Development’ Actually, there are broadly two main approaches to the concept of economic development : The Traditional Approach or ‘The Stages of Economic Growth’ Theories of the 1950s and the early 1960s. The New Welfare Oriented Approach or ‘The Structural-Internationalist’ Models of the late 1960s and the 1970s. 1.  The Traditional Approach : The thinking of the 1950s and early 1960s focused mainly on the concept of the stages of economic growth. Here the process of development was viewed as a series of successive stages through which all countries had to pass. The propounders of this approach advocated the necessity of the right quantity and mixture of saving, investment and foreign aid to enable the LDCs to proceed along an economic growth path. They based their conclusions on the fact that this economic path historically had been followed by most of the more developed countries. Thus, in this period development had become synonymous with rapid, aggregate economic growth. This approach defined development strictly in economic terms and it implied : A sustained annual increase in the GNP at rates varying from 5 to 7 pcpa or more; Such changes in the structure of production and employment that the share of agriculture declines in both, while the share of manufacturing and the tertiary sectors increase. The policy measures that were suggested in this period were the ones which induced industrialization at the expense of agricultural development. The objectives of poverty elimination, economic inequalities reduction and employment generation were mentioned but only as a passing reference. In most cases it was assumed that the rapid gains in overall growth in the GNP would ‘trickle-down to the masses’ in one form or the other. 2.  The New Welfare Oriented Approach: Jacob Viner was probably the first economist (1950’s) to argue that an economy could not boast of having achieved economic progress if the incidence of poverty in that economy had not diminished. But it was in the early 1970’s that economists began to realize that Jacob Viner’s stance was relevant, as nearly 40 % of the developing world’s population had not benefited at all from the rise in the GNP and from the structural changes that had taken place in their respective economies during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Hence, in the 1970s it became necessary to redefine the concept of economic development. This modern approach views underdevelopment in terms of : international and domestic power relationships; institutional and structural economic rigidities; and, the proliferation of dual economies and dual societies both within and among the nations of the world. This approach places emphasis on policies that would lead to the eradication of poverty, provide more diversified employment opportunities, and reduce income inequalities. This approach insists that these and the other egalitarian objectives have to be achieved only within the socio-economic context of the respective growing economy. Thus today, economic development is a process whereby the general economic well-being (especially of the masses) of an economy is affected for the better. Meier defines economic development very concisely as: ‘Development is the process whereby the real per capita income of a country increases over a long period of time subject to the stipulation that the number below an absolute poverty line does not increase and that the distribution of income does not become more unequal’. This definition thus highlights the following aspects of the term economic development : 1.  Development is a PROCESS : Today, development implies the operation of certain socio-economic forces in an interconnected and causal fashion. This interpretation is more meaningful than merely to identify development with a set of conditions or a catalogue of characteristics. 2.  Development is a RISE IN THE REAL PER CAPITA INCOME : Since today the development of a poor country arises from a desire to remove its mass poverty, the primary goal should be a rise in the real PCI rather than simply an increase in the economy’s real national income, uncorrected for changes in the population. Simply increasing the real national income does not guarantee that there would be an improvement in the general living standards of the masses. If the population growth rate surpasses the growth of national output or even runs parallel with it, the result would be a falling or at best a constant PCI and as this would not be beneficial to the masses, it cannot be considered as development. 3.  Development can take place only over a LONG PERIOD OF TIME : This time period is significant from the stand-point of development being a sustained increase in the real income and not simply as a short-period temporary rise, such as occurs during the upswing of the business cycle. The underlying continuous upward trend in the growth of the real PCI over at least two or three decades is a strong indication that the process of development is on the right track. 4.  Development must lead to a DECREASE IN SIZE OF THE ABSOLUTELY POOR : Given the new orientation of the development thought, it is necessary that the quality of life of the masses must improve in fact improve to the extent of actually showing a fall in the amount of people living below the poverty line. This would automatically require, as suggested in the definition, a reduction in the economic inequalities in the economy. To achieve this goal, it is necessary that the policies implemented should actually divert economic power towards the economically vulnerable groups in the economy. The policies should aim at raising the real PCI, causing a diminution in economic inequality (ie., an alleviation if not an eradication of poverty), ensuring a minimum level of consumption, guaranteeing a certain socially relevant composition of the national income, reducing unemployment to a tolerable low level and removing regional development disparities. The framework of development as given by Charles P. Kindleberger and Bruce Herrick reiterates the improvement-of-the-masses emphasis of Meier’s definition. Kindleberger and Herrick maintain that economic development is generally taken to include : Improvement in material welfare, especially for persons with the lowest incomes, the eradication of mass poverty along with its correlates of illiteracy, disease, and early death; Changes in the composition of inputs and outputs that generally include shifts in the underlying structure of production away from agricultural and towards industrial activities; Organizing the economy in such a way that productive employment is general among the working age population and that employment is not a privilege of only a minority; and, Increasing the degree of participation of the masses in making decisions about the directions, economic and otherwise, in which the economy should move to improve their own welfare. The Economic Growth V/s Economic Development dEBATE The stress on the improvement in the quality of life of the masses has made it imperative to distinguish between the growth-oriented approach of the 1950s 1960s and the modern development-oriented approach of the late 1960s 1970s ie., the distinctions between Economic Growth and Economic Development must be highlighted. 1.  Definitional differences : Economic growth is a pure economic process whereby there is an increase in the economy’s GNP due to the increase in the productive capacity of the economy. Economic development, on the other hand, is a multi-dimensional process involving major changes in the social structures, popular attitudes and national institutions, as well as the acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of inequality and the eradication of absolute poverty. 2.  Differences in the objectives : Economic growth aims at: Increasing the size of the GNP, without actually considering the social relevance of the composition of the national income. Removing all the obstacles that could come in the way of increasing the economy’s productive capacity, eg., removing the market imperfections that exist in the economy. Supplying the ‘missing components’ like capital, foreign exchange, technology, skills and management, which are needed for improving the economy’s productive capacity. Hoping that the benefits of the increased capacity of the economy would some how reach the masses. Economic development, on the other hand, aims at : Increasing the availability and widening the distribution of basic life-sustaining goods such as food, shelter, health and protection. Raising the level of living including, in addition to higher incomes, the provision of more jobs, better education and greater attention to cultural and humanistic values, all of which serve not only to enhance material well-being but also to generate greater individual and national self-esteem. Expanding the range of economic and social choice to individuals and nations by freeing them from servitude and dependence, not only in relation to other people and nations, but also from the forces of ignorance and human misery. Thus, we see that the goals of economic growth are rather narrow in scope, while those of economic development are more broad-based in nature and in scope. 3.  Differences in the overall approach : a.  Quantitative versus Qualitative Approaches : According to Kindleberger, economic growth means more output, while economic development implies not only more output but also changes in the technical and institutional arrangements by which it is produced and distributed. Growth involves more output derived from greater amounts of inputs and with greater efficiency; but, development implies changes in the composition of the output and in the allocation of the inputs to the different sectors. Thus, growth is related to a quantitative sustained increase in the PCI accompanied by the expansion in its labour force, consumption, capital and volume of trade, while economic development is related to qualitative changes in economic wants, goods, incentives and institutions. b.  Revolutionary Speed versus Evolutionary Speed Approaches : Economic growth implies a certain degree of rapidity in the change process. Changes are introduced at a brisk rate and without a sufficient preparation of the socio-eco-politico foundations of the economy. Projects are literally imposed on the economy to create a global impression of progress. The masses are either not taken into confidence or are not considered vis-à  -vis the new projects. The rapid changes caused by the ‘Revolutionary Approach’ of economic growth ensure the failure of the system within a short time. Economic Development, on the other hand, adopts a more ‘Evolutionary Approach’ ie., it first ensures that the socio-eco-politico foundations are readied for the change. Hence, when the change actually takes place, it is readily and popularly accepted and supported. Thus, development involves creating a sense of awareness and a feeling of participation among the masses in the economy. This makes the development process painstakingly slow, long and drawn-out but it is this gradualness in approach that actually strengthens the economy in the long run. c.  Only Immediate Gains versus Also Futuristic Gains Approaches : The gains that accrue from economic development are far more sustaining than those made from growth, simply because of the differences in the way the future of the to-be-introduced projects are anticipated, analyzed and appreciated. Economic growth means increasing the economic activities, irrespective of whether the economy can continue supporting the newly introduced economic activity in the long run or not. For instance, along the lines of economic growth, an LDC would increase its current steel producing capacity, but it would not be able to keep up this new capacity for more than a few years. Hence, within a few years, the increased capacity would lay wasting leading to a wastage of scarce resources. Economic development, on the other hand, would consider the future sustaining capacity of the economy before actually increasing the steel capacity. If and only if the economy can continue supporting this higher rate in the future, the capacity would actually increase. Thus, economi c development guarantees that the scarce resources are currently used fruitfully and appropriately. d.  Only Economic versus Also Environmental concern Approaches : Economic growth, due to its rapid approach, more often than not, causes harm to the environment natural and/or social. Projects are undertaken without considering the cascading effects that could follow in the form of natural environment degradation, pollution, overcrowding, increase in crime rate, bottlenecks in infrastructural facilities, etc. For instance, an economy, for growth’s sake, could undertake an irrigational project without either making a thorough study of or without caring about its ramifications on the natural and social environment. Economic development, on the other hand, insists on the conservation and the protection of the natural and social environment. If a certain project could cause any sort of significant damage to the environment, that project would be either abandoned or altered. If the above mentioned irrigational project was approached from the development point of view, its site would be either changed, or its dimensions altered to prevent natural environmental harm; and if there is any sort of social environmental damage, like displacement of the inhabitants, then, rehabilitation projects would be undertaken, in consultation with the affected people. e.  The Trickle-Down versus The Direct-Attack Approaches : Economic growths, primary goal is to increase the productive capacity of the economy massively, irrespective of whether or not the poorer sections would benefit from this higher capacity. In fact, growth works on the assumption that the benefits that accrue from the increase in capacity would some how or the other trickle-down to the masses. Thus, growth makes no deliberate attempt ensure that the benefits do reach the poorer sections of the economy. The objectives of poverty eradication, economic inequalities reduction and employment generation are mentioned but only as a passing reference, as secondary gains that may or may not occur. Growth has a sort of an in-built tendency to bypass those very people in the economy who deserve to be supported the most by it. Economic development, on the other hand, by directly attacking economic misery, ensures that the benefits of the increase in the productive capacity actually reach the masses. The policies aim at diverting economic power towards the economically weaker sections of the economy. The policies directly aim at raising the real PCI, causing a diminution in economic inequality, ensuring a minimum level of consumption, guaranteeing a certain socially relevant composition of the national income, reducing unemployment to a tolerable low level and removing regional development disparities. 4.  Interrelationship between Economic Growth Economic Development : Although economic growth and economic development are indeed very different in their approaches, there exists an inter-relationship between them. It is difficult to conceive of development without growth. In low income countries, for instance, a substantial increase in the GNP is needed before they can hope to overcome their problems of poverty, unemployment and occupational distribution. However, it is possible to have growth without development, as growth is not concerned with the social aspects of an economy. In short, since development is a broader concept it encompasses growth and therefore can be said to be directly related to growth. Thus, development is growth with a human face. References: Todaro, M.Economic Development in the Third World. Chs 1 and 3 Meier, G.Leading issues in Economic Development. Ch 1 (1-A) Misra PuriEconomics of Growth and Development (4th Ed) Ch 1 Jhingan, M. L.The Economics of Development and Planning. (28th Ed) Ch 1 Mukherji, SampatModern Economic Theory Ch 50

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

The Colosseum or Coliseum was originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre. The building was constructed by the emperors of Flavian dynasty, following the reign of Nero. The name ‘Colosseum’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Colosseus’ meaning colossal (‘Facts about the Colosseum’, n.d.). It was the largest amphitheatre of the Roman Empire and in the world (Guinness World Records, 2013). It was also considered as one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and engineering. The Colosseum could hold between 50,000 to 80,000 spectators. (William, 2005) It was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as animal hunts, mock sea battles, executions, reenactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The building is used for entertainment in the early medieval era. It was later reused for different purposes such as housing, workshops, a Christian shrine, a fortress, a quarry, and quarters for a religious order (à ¢â‚¬ËœBBC's History of the Colosseum p. 1’ ,2012). Historical Aspect The Colosseum was built after the Flavian dynasty of Emperors including Ves...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

First Aid

INTRODUCTION First aid is the immediate assistance or treatment given to someone injured or suddenly taken ill before the arrival of an ambulance, doctor, or other appropriate qualified persons. It is a skill, based on knowledge, training and experience. First aid training is important as it is relevant at home, work place or industries and any other place. The term â€Å"FIRST AIDER† is usually applied to someone who has completed a theoretical and practical instruction course, and passed a professionally supervised examination. The standard first aid certificate awarded by St John Ambulance, St Andrews Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross is proof of all round competence. First aid must be administered as soon as possible. In case of critical injury, a few minutes can make the difference between complete recovery and loss of life. First aid requires rapid assessment of victims to determine whether life threatening conditions exists. First aid measures depend on the victims need and the provider’s level of knowledge and skill. Knowing what not to do in an emergency is as important as knowing what to do. DEFINITION OF TERMS FIRST AIDER: someone who has completed a theoretical and practical instruction course, and passed a professionally supervised examination. EMERGENCY: A serious, unexpected and potentially dangerous situation requiring immediate action or an unexpected event that must be dealt with urgently. CASUALTY: somebody who has a fatal accident, or receives a serious injury or suddenly falls ill. ACCIDENT: An unpleasant incident that happens unexpectedly. INCIDENT: An event, the occurrence of dangerous or exciting event. AMBULANCE: A vehicle for taking sick or injured people to and from hospital. HOSPITAL: An institution providing medical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people. IMMOBILIZE: Prevent from moving or operating as normal. SIGN: What you see on the casualty. SYMPTOMS: What the casualty feels and tells you. FIRST AID DEFINITION: – immediate assistance or treatment given to an injured person or someone who suddenly falls ill before the arrival of an ambulance, doctor, or other appropriate qualified persons. It is also the first care given to a casualty or someone who suddenly falls ill before the arrival of a doctor or before taking the person to the hospital. AIMS AND OBJECTIVE OF FIRST AID †¢To save life. †¢To promote quick recovery. †¢To prevent the situation from getting worse †¢To save time. †¢To save cost. PRINCIPLES OF FIRST AID The golden rule is ‘’ first do no harm’’ while applying the principle of calculated risk. You should use treatment that is most likely to be beneficial to a casualty but do not use a doubtful treatment just for the sake of doing something. Assess the situation ?Observe what has happened quickly and calmly. ?Look for dangers to yourself and to the casualty. ?Never put yourself at risk. Make area safe. Protect the casualty from danger. ?Be aware of your limitations. Assess all casualties and give emergency aid ?Assess each casualty to determine treatment priorities, and treat those with life-threatening conditions first. Get help ?Quickly ensure that any necessary specialist has been summoned and is on the way QUALITIES OF A GOOD FIRST AIDER †¢Be resourc eful at all times. †¢Be sympathetic and empathetic to your casualty. †¢Be smart and confident. †¢Be observant. †¢Be bold. †¢Be gentle SCOPE OF FIRST AID This is the systematic way of administering first aid;- DIAGNOSIS:- †¢History Signs †¢Symptoms CARE:- This should be given in order of priority i. e. breathing, bleeding, burns and broken bones Transportation- Arrange to convey the casualty without delay to his home, suitable shelter, hospital and or summon a doctor in any serious case. EMERGENCY RESPONSE This is another procedure taken to ensure that appropriate first aid and safety is observed while assisting a casualty. When to use it depends on the situation you find yourself. D – Danger. R – Response (A. V. P. U. i. e. Alert, voice, pain, unresponsive). A – Airway. B –Breathing (L. L. F i. e. ook, listen and feel). C -circulation THE RESUSCITATION SEQUENCE To assess and treat a casualty who has collapse use the resu scitation techniques, obtained on the following pages. If breathing and pulse return at any points place the casualty in a recovery position. The resuscitation sequence Check response ? Open airway and check breathing ? Breathe for the casualty ? Assess for circulation ? commence CPR. CHECKING RESPONSE On discovering a casualty, you should first establish whether the casualty is conscious or unconscious. Ask a simple question such as ‘’hello can you hear me’’. ’What has happened to you’’. or give a command such as’’ open your eyes’’. Speak loudly and clearly, close to the casualty’s ear. OPEN THE AIRWAY An unconscious casualty’s airway may become narrowed or blocked. This makes breathing difficult and noisy or completely impossible. The main reason for this is that muscular control in the throat is lost, which allows the tongue to fall back and block the airway. Lifting the chin and tilting the head back lifts the tongue away from the entrance to the air passage, allowing the casualty to breathe. To open the airway – Place two fingers under the point of the casualty’s chin lift the jaw. At the same time, place your other hand on the casualty’s forehead and gently tilt the head well back. CHECKING BREATHING ?Kneel besides the casualty and put your face close to his mouth. ?Look, listen and feel for breathing. ?Look along the chest to see if the chest rises and falls, indicating breathing. ?Listen for sounds of breathing. ?Feel for breath on your cheek. ?Do these checks for up to ten seconds before deciding that breathing is absent. BREATHE FOR THE CASUALTY )Look into the mouth and remove any obvious obstruction including broken or displaced dentures from the mouth. Leave well fitted dentures in place. 2)Open the airway by tilting the head and using two fingers to lift the chin. 3)Close the casualty’s nose by pinching it with your index finger and thumbs. Take a full breathe and place your lips around his mouth, making a good seal. 4)Blow into your casualty’s mouth until you see the chest rise. Take about two seconds for full inflation. 5)Remove your lips and allow the chest to fall fully, which takes about four seconds. Repeat this once and then assess for signs of circulation. If pulse is absent and there are no sign of recovery such as any movement, swallowing, coughing or breathing, begin cardio pulmonary resuscitation. If breathing returns, place the casualty in the recovery position. ASSESSING FOR CIRCULATION Check the pulse for up to ten seconds, during which, look for other signs of recovery such as movement, breathing, swallowing and coughing. If you cannot find the pulse or there are no other signs of circulation, Begin chest compressions immediately. CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR) If there is no pulse, this means that the heart has stopped beating and you will have to provide an artificial circulation by means of chest compression. To be of any use, this process must always be combined with artificial ventilation. This procedure is known as Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation or CPR for short. If both you and your helper have been trained to administer C. P. R, you can do so together. GIVING CHEST COMPRESSIONS ?Kneel beside the casualty locate one of his lowermost ribs with the index and middle finger. Slide your finger along the ribs to the point where lowermost ribs meet at the breast bone. Place the heel of your other hand on the breast bone and slide it down until it reaches your index finger. This is the point at which you should apply pressure. ?Place the heel of your first hand on top of the other hand and inter lock your fingers. ?Leaning well over the casualty with your arms straight, press vertically down and depress the breast bone approximately 4-5cm, r elease the pressure without removing your hands. Compress the chest 30 times aiming for a rate of about 100 compressions per minute. Then give two artificial ventilations. Continue this cycle of alternating 30 chest compressions with two breaths of artificial ventilation until help arrives. CPR FOR A CHILD AND A BABY The same resuscitation sequence is applicable for a child but alternate five chest compressions with one breath of artificial ventilation. For one minute before calling an ambulance. Position your hand as you would for an adult but use heel of one hand only. For a baby under one year, place the tip of finger on the lower breast bone. Do this five times at a rate of 100 per minute Give one full breath of artificial ventilation, by breathing into the baby’s mouth and nose.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Meaning of life †2006 singles Essay

Have you ever wondered what the meaning of life is, the purpose of our existence. Life is truly a mystery we know very little of our own selves. Something beautiful as a life is something amazing to watch. A life is considered priceless. Life is a treasure among treasures. I consider it a miracle that I am alive and talking to all of you today. The chances of me being here is 1in 5 million, and yet I am here. The same goes for all of you present here today. All of us should feel blessed that we get to experience the privilege of living. The miracle of life begins with the love of two people because of this love a life is created. One good thing leads to another. They’re maybe time that we are challenged, but we should never yield instead we take these challenges as an opportunity to grow in life. If somehow you fall all you need to do is simply stand up again and again. Life is not just a bed of roses we need to fight for what we want and stand for whatever we believe in. Don’t be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find time. The quickest way to receive love is to give; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going.Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.Don’t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved. Our generation is so attached to technology that we become like machines. We spend so much time on our gadgets that we fail to notice the things around us. We fail to see the beautiful world around us. Living is not simply eating and breathing is if we spend so much time on our cell phones and playing computer games then we were never alive in the first place. Our life is the greatest gift we are given. The memories we make with our friends and family. We laugh, cry, love and hate these are the proof that we are truly alive. Each and every one of us is irreplaceable all of us are one of a kind. Don’t think of your life as something insignificant maybe just by the act of living you are making someone happy. There is one thing to remember Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on A Critical Response To Flannery O Connor

Flannery O'Connor's story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† presents a great portrait of a woman who creates herself and a world through her she interpreted. At least that is what Mary Jane Shenck thinks of the Flannery O'Connor story. Several different people have several different views of this controversial and climatic work of O'Connor's. In this paper I will take a look at these different views of different situations and characters in this book. First we will take a look at grandmother. She is made to look like the saint in this story. She, in contrast to the rest, is the good person, always looking out for the best of others. She is not going on vacation; she is going to visit her connections in Tennessee. While on the drive, to their destination, she sits and admires the scenery as the others are more interested in the funny papers or the sports section. She brings the cat along on the trip for the good of the cat. She didn't want the cat to accidentally kill himself by turning on the gas on the stove or something. She is the Christ-like figure of this story, and this is more relevant at the end of the story when she confronts the Misfit. Just like in so many other O'Connor stories the grandmother, the good character, is going to take the hardest fall. The Misfit appears many different ways in this story. His first appearance in the story he seems to be a scholar. Wearing his silver-rimmed glasses and a black hat. This description would also fit a description of a rabbi. This image comes just by looking at his head. His shirtless torso and blue jeans, which didn't quite fit right, and gun in hand, kind of veer us away from thinking of him as being a good man. Of course the limitations of his character don't stop at his appearance. He also is a record keeper. He writes down everything he does and signs it. This way he knows what he has done and what he hasn't. He tells the grandmother this before killing her. The reason... Free Essays on A Critical Response To Flannery O Connor Free Essays on A Critical Response To Flannery O Connor Flannery O'Connor's story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† presents a great portrait of a woman who creates herself and a world through her she interpreted. At least that is what Mary Jane Shenck thinks of the Flannery O'Connor story. Several different people have several different views of this controversial and climatic work of O'Connor's. In this paper I will take a look at these different views of different situations and characters in this book. First we will take a look at grandmother. She is made to look like the saint in this story. She, in contrast to the rest, is the good person, always looking out for the best of others. She is not going on vacation; she is going to visit her connections in Tennessee. While on the drive, to their destination, she sits and admires the scenery as the others are more interested in the funny papers or the sports section. She brings the cat along on the trip for the good of the cat. She didn't want the cat to accidentally kill himself by turning on the gas on the stove or something. She is the Christ-like figure of this story, and this is more relevant at the end of the story when she confronts the Misfit. Just like in so many other O'Connor stories the grandmother, the good character, is going to take the hardest fall. The Misfit appears many different ways in this story. His first appearance in the story he seems to be a scholar. Wearing his silver-rimmed glasses and a black hat. This description would also fit a description of a rabbi. This image comes just by looking at his head. His shirtless torso and blue jeans, which didn't quite fit right, and gun in hand, kind of veer us away from thinking of him as being a good man. Of course the limitations of his character don't stop at his appearance. He also is a record keeper. He writes down everything he does and signs it. This way he knows what he has done and what he hasn't. He tells the grandmother this before killing her. The reason...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on F. Douglas And M.Rolands

Mary Rowlandson’s, â€Å"A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson† and Frederick Douglass’, â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave† are separated by 142 years of history, yet their accounts of captivity parallel the occurrences in American under New World conditions and link the span of time between them. Both, Mary Rowlandson and Frederick Douglass experience the evils of slavery against their will, while succumbing to the conditions the New World presents to them. Through their times of desperation, both take comfort in the fact that America is a land of freedom and prosperity to which they will attain salvation. Both of their definitions of America are altered through their encounter of captivity and slavery. America becomes a land of the free that will prosper and remain when all the evils perish and cease to exist upon their escape. Both of these accounts, written after escaping signal the impo rtance of their captivity and the effect it had on each of them. Each account demonstrates the power of the written word as well as strong personal perspective. Mary Rowlandson, a Puritan woman lived in American since childhood. Her matrimony to the Reverend Joseph Rowlandson brought the responsibilities of mother and frontier wife. In 1675, she was taken captive by Indians in their assaults on the Massachusetts colonists and remained in captivity for eleven weeks, finally ransomed for twenty pounds. Her account of captivity documents her strong Puritan faith as the force that allowed her to survive. Mary viewed her capture as a test of will as well as a punishment from God. Her release to freedom was a gift from God, which strengthened her faith in Him, and America. Her account evokes individualism as well as nationalism for America, in her view, the home of the colonists that will forever prosper and be plentiful under the Lord. Frederick Douglass, an African-American, experien... Free Essays on F. Douglas And M.Rolands Free Essays on F. Douglas And M.Rolands Mary Rowlandson’s, â€Å"A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson† and Frederick Douglass’, â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave† are separated by 142 years of history, yet their accounts of captivity parallel the occurrences in American under New World conditions and link the span of time between them. Both, Mary Rowlandson and Frederick Douglass experience the evils of slavery against their will, while succumbing to the conditions the New World presents to them. Through their times of desperation, both take comfort in the fact that America is a land of freedom and prosperity to which they will attain salvation. Both of their definitions of America are altered through their encounter of captivity and slavery. America becomes a land of the free that will prosper and remain when all the evils perish and cease to exist upon their escape. Both of these accounts, written after escaping signal the impo rtance of their captivity and the effect it had on each of them. Each account demonstrates the power of the written word as well as strong personal perspective. Mary Rowlandson, a Puritan woman lived in American since childhood. Her matrimony to the Reverend Joseph Rowlandson brought the responsibilities of mother and frontier wife. In 1675, she was taken captive by Indians in their assaults on the Massachusetts colonists and remained in captivity for eleven weeks, finally ransomed for twenty pounds. Her account of captivity documents her strong Puritan faith as the force that allowed her to survive. Mary viewed her capture as a test of will as well as a punishment from God. Her release to freedom was a gift from God, which strengthened her faith in Him, and America. Her account evokes individualism as well as nationalism for America, in her view, the home of the colonists that will forever prosper and be plentiful under the Lord. Frederick Douglass, an African-American, experien...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free sample - Argue or accept. translation missing

Argue or accept. Argue or acceptAny language at any time is prone to changes and development. Such evolution may have its pros and cons since it has power either to cause increase or decrease of language nature. After all, should the flow of thoughts be flawless and what is ‘good language’? These thorny questions concern English as well the modern variant of which makes linguists reveal the influential factors and the effects of such tendencies. Thus, concluding from George Orwell, English language has undergone and still continues to, evolutionary turn which is marked by ‘slovenliness’, ‘imitation’, ‘ugliness’ and on the whole ‘prefabricated hen-house’. The author points out that contemporary writing is full of mental faults and badly lacks any precision and sense. He provides a number of such misusage tools among which he names dying metaphor, orators or verbal false limbs, pretentious diction and meaningless words. The scope of these ‘tricks’ makes language expression stale and vague. Orwell mentions a dead metaphor which is actually neither an ordinary word nor a vivid one since a transferred image has lost its power as in â€Å"to fish for compliments†, â€Å"branch of government†, â€Å"to fall in love† etc. Such metaphors became trite with the time and no longer produce the effect of freshness and expressiveness. Let’s take an example â€Å"to give a hand of help† which initially did render the metaphorical meaning â€Å"to help somebody† and was really bright and fresh-colored because hand is viewed as sort of support when a person tries to console a friend. For now the phrase no longer needs the word ‘help’ as the meaning becomes clear enough for everyone. Moreover, the writer focuses on another type of metaphor which he calls ‘worn-out’ because it is not as expressive and ‘evocative’ as they previously used to be. He believes the reason why people continue to use them lies in t heir not willing to think of and produce new imaginary patterns. So, we still have at our disposal the phrases like Cassandra’s warning, Hercules’ labor, to sow the sand, seeds of evil etc. The author insists that inconsistent use of metaphors is often caused by the person’s lack if not absence of understanding what he or she really wants to say. This altogether is supposed to indicate the user’s indifference in the issue. Still, a question is dubious. In my opinion, such overlapping and miscomprehension are the result of ignorance and scarce literacy that is why we watch the examples which are blurry. People just don’t thoroughly understand what these or those words mean. I think the use of even dead metaphors must be appropriate and up to a point then the reader or a listener won’t be misled as in to tow the line instead if toe the line. Another point that the writer touches is excessive verbosity that provokes inflated speech pattern. Why not simply say for instance to â€Å"attract† for â€Å"grip one’s attention† or â€Å"conclude† for â€Å"to arrive at conclusion†? There is plenty of clear well-known ‘general-purpose verbs’ to express the same idea without needless long-chain phrases. Surprisingly, such verbosity may entail striking and controversial gobbledygook which means â€Å"inflated, jargon-cluttered prose that fails to communicate clearly†(About.com). Thus, let’s look through some astonishing examples of words reconsidered usage that can’t but impress many of us. There was conducted a sort of survey where the participants were asked to provide situations of weird language use which totally put them out of temper. Some of the surveyed included errors in word usage, clichà ©, misspelling, abundance, jargon, slang into this group of oddities but there were those who were even shocked by the way their language can be reversed – the most ardent representatives of English defenders. Here are some of the cases: @ (instead of "at"), aks but not â€Å"ask†, a lot for â€Å"a lot†, decimate (to mean the total annihilation of something, rather than a tenth), mispronunciation of â€Å"definitely† which acquired the for ms of definly, defaly, and definally, ex cetera instead of "et cetera", grammatically incorrect use of ‘has’ for "have," as in â€Å"there’s been two accidents†. The list of such language jeer-and-sneer application may be continued but I’m afraid I won’t endure it either! Whether such novelties are caused by fashionable twist of mind or maybe we so much lack of entertainment in our everyday hustle and bustle life that we are forced to bring jollity into language? Who knows. However, I am more than convinced that the vast set of tools a language can provide us with should be used reasonably not to spam the language at all. Another not least amusing process of language use which Orwell discussed in his work as pretentious diction is represented by euphemism – a tool to replace offensive or disagreeable remarks or statements. The ways of how these language mean can be coined is really diverse. The role of euphemisms can be helpful if used in cases like â€Å"not too slender† for â€Å"fat†, Afro-American for â€Å"Niger† etc. taking into account ethic and political reasons or even more humoristic like to â€Å"powder one’s nose: "Where can I powder my nose?" in case of ‘restroom’, â€Å"full and frank discussion† to render the meaning of â€Å"argument† – we had a full and frank discussion with my business partner. But there are too much more mind-tangling examples as in the circumlocution (periphrasis). The actual meaning of this instrument is to ‘talk around’, that is to say something but totally hide what you have said for instance when a person wants to conceal what he or she really thinks an intricate figure of speech accismus can help which is also called the oh-you-shouldn't-have figure. To be more precise we sometimes get into situations when we are presented with a gift but you refuse as if of modesty saying ‘the gift is not necessary, a check will be quite enough’ (Figures of speech served fresh. Monday, October 10, 2005). All in all, I am more inclined to think that there can’t be univocal assertion that modern English is really in state of decline. Many men many minds, so to my mind it is more a matter of overall literacy and erudition that signifies right or wrong language usage and relevance of these or those figures of speech, since an educated person has a wit to analyze the information he or she receives and therefore is able to decipher the hidden codes.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Food Allergies & Intolerances in the UK - Current Issues Essay

Food Allergies & Intolerances in the UK - Current Issues - Essay Example In case of tolerance, the patient can take the small quantity of the food without any reaction at all. In opposite, in case of food allergy, even a tiny quantity of food may activate a severe allergy reaction. Symptoms of intolerance will not be much quicker but allergy symptoms to any specific food could be immediate and instant. Both allergy and intolerance can result in a host of unpleasant and terrifying, fierce and probable fatal outcomes. Symptoms can occur over the patient’s body and can result in rashes, swelling of the mouth, wheezing, inflammation and digestive issues. There is no medical cure for these ailments and avoiding the specific food is the only available relief and a key issue is in identifying that particular food correctly (Stracey 2010). FSA (Food Standard Agency) in collaboration with the DEFRA introduced a new law on labelling of allergen which came into effect 13 December 2014 and this is known as Food Information Regulations EU1169/2011.Under this law, fourteen food allergen has to be named in the label if they have been used or if it contains ingredients made from them in pre-packed foods. Further, food manufacturers have required now to emphasis these allergens within the ingredients list. In the case of non-packed food items, such ingredients should be mentioned on a chalkboard, a labelled menu or by orally (Food.gov.uk 2014). The research study by Cochrane et al (2013) in the UK found that the vegetables and fruits were the chief cause of food allergy in adults (26%), eggs in young children (38%), and cow’s milk was the common in school going children(28%). When one’s immune system is puzzled instead of snubbing harmless food proteins, then food allergy happen as it triggers a reaction, which results in the discharge of a chemical known as ‘histamine’. The main culprit is the histamine which causes the typical allergy indications of swelling or hives. Anaphylaxis is the most severe reaction and this may be life-threatening.  Ã‚  

CISG has too many incosisten provision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CISG has too many incosisten provision - Essay Example United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) Susan J. Martin-Davidson, a Professor of Law at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, has commented that the â€Å"place of business is not defined in the Convention† which is the foremost important consideration in examining whether or not CISG would apply (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). It was said that commentators have proposed that the place of business would refer to â€Å"a permanent and regular place for the transacting of general business† (Honnold, 1989). However, Martin-Davidson says that it is still unclear if such a term would include â€Å"the location of a distributor, or other agent, who participates in the negotiation and performance of the contract† (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). Even the final draft of CISG, the delegates were unable to address as to the issue if place of business would apply to â€Å"local agents working on behalf of foreign principals† (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). Martin-Davidson also comments that â€Å"matters relating to agency† are not addressed by the Convention and does not also illustrate what â€Å"activities of an agent† would be adequate to establish that â€Å"the agent's place of business† is that of the principal (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). ... e closest relationship to the contract and its performance† (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1), which place is so provided under Article 10 of the CISG and which basically determines the location of parties under Article 1 of the CISG (Bailey, 1999, 300). In Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. v. Dharma Systems, 148 F.3d 649, 653 (7th Cir. 1998), it explained that â€Å"it is not clear whether a relationship linked to the formation of a contract is more or less important that a relationship linked to its performance.† Such provision is even more complex with the proviso that instructs to have a regard â€Å"to the circumstances known to or contemplated by the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract† (CISG Article 10(a)). No suggestion however is offered as to kind of circumstance referred to in such provision (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). The sale of goods under the CISG is also said not to have been defined under the Convention (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). Although there have been â€Å"scholarly commentary† explaining that â€Å"goods are basically only moveable, tangible objects,† (Schlechtriem, 2005, 28), there were some reported decisions wherein the court had to decide the meaning of such a term (Landgericht, 2001, 1 & Oberlandesgericht, 1991, 1).  This is especially relevant to the application of CISG on the â€Å"information stored in and read by computers† which include both the â€Å"information stored on a disk or in a computer† considered to be â€Å"intangible property† and not as goods (CISG, Article 2(f)), and the so-called â€Å"licensed use of information,† which does not satisfy â€Å"the seller's obligation to ‘transfer the property in the goods’† under Article 30 of CISG (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009). Such concern however, was

CISG has too many incosisten provision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CISG has too many incosisten provision - Essay Example United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) Susan J. Martin-Davidson, a Professor of Law at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, has commented that the â€Å"place of business is not defined in the Convention† which is the foremost important consideration in examining whether or not CISG would apply (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). It was said that commentators have proposed that the place of business would refer to â€Å"a permanent and regular place for the transacting of general business† (Honnold, 1989). However, Martin-Davidson says that it is still unclear if such a term would include â€Å"the location of a distributor, or other agent, who participates in the negotiation and performance of the contract† (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). Even the final draft of CISG, the delegates were unable to address as to the issue if place of business would apply to â€Å"local agents working on behalf of foreign principals† (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). Martin-Davidson also comments that â€Å"matters relating to agency† are not addressed by the Convention and does not also illustrate what â€Å"activities of an agent† would be adequate to establish that â€Å"the agent's place of business† is that of the principal (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). ... e closest relationship to the contract and its performance† (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1), which place is so provided under Article 10 of the CISG and which basically determines the location of parties under Article 1 of the CISG (Bailey, 1999, 300). In Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. v. Dharma Systems, 148 F.3d 649, 653 (7th Cir. 1998), it explained that â€Å"it is not clear whether a relationship linked to the formation of a contract is more or less important that a relationship linked to its performance.† Such provision is even more complex with the proviso that instructs to have a regard â€Å"to the circumstances known to or contemplated by the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract† (CISG Article 10(a)). No suggestion however is offered as to kind of circumstance referred to in such provision (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). The sale of goods under the CISG is also said not to have been defined under the Convention (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). Although there have been â€Å"scholarly commentary† explaining that â€Å"goods are basically only moveable, tangible objects,† (Schlechtriem, 2005, 28), there were some reported decisions wherein the court had to decide the meaning of such a term (Landgericht, 2001, 1 & Oberlandesgericht, 1991, 1).  This is especially relevant to the application of CISG on the â€Å"information stored in and read by computers† which include both the â€Å"information stored on a disk or in a computer† considered to be â€Å"intangible property† and not as goods (CISG, Article 2(f)), and the so-called â€Å"licensed use of information,† which does not satisfy â€Å"the seller's obligation to ‘transfer the property in the goods’† under Article 30 of CISG (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009). Such concern however, was

Friday, October 18, 2019

Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Paper 2 - Essay Example Researchers such as Brown, Day and Sherrard discovered the correlation between summarizing, plagiarizing and patch writing (Howard, Tricia & Tanya 179). These three despite their distinct differences are all forms of plagiarism and many academic institutions recognize them as such. The academic integrity policies of various academic institutions treat patchwriting as plagiarism. Patchwriting involves the copying heavily from a source that is a writer chooses to paraphrase his or her cited sources too closely (Howard, Tricia & Tanya 179). Many academicians argue that patchwriting is not a serious academic offence; however, it is a form of academic dishonesty. The academic integrity policies refer to it as a moral failure. By patchwriting, a student fails to display his or her mastery of the subject being tested. It displays the lack of effort in understanding the content and fosters habits that are detrimental to the learning process. Patchwriting is often because of writers trying to summarize or paraphrase cited texts. Patchwriting is not only confined to students, but professors also fall victim to this act. According to Roig, a substantial number of psychology professor patchwrite content that is not in their field (Howard, Tricia & Tanya 179). Other researchers such as Howard argue that patchwriting is a form of learning tactic employed by students and not a literary crime (Howard, Tricia & Tanya 179). Non-native speakers of English patchwrite their academic work despite their academic level. In Pecorari’s research on patchwriting (), it was found that non-native English speaking students used this technique even in their dissertations (Howard, Tricia & Tanya 179). These findings were collaborated by Shi (2004) who researched the practice in Chinese college students. The Marymount University Academic Integrity Policy details the values and principles that aid in maintaining academic integrity in the institution. Academic integrity, in this

The Five-Paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Five-Paragraph - Essay Example Climate change made storms fiercer causing numerous deaths and destruction of properties. The deaths associated with pollution are also increasing. O’Toole suggested two ways on how to reduce the problem of transportation in cities around the world. He proposed an expensive solution and a low cost solution. The expensive solution is to build more highways which could be costly not only in terms of constructing it, but also cannot be optimized during off hours. In addition, the construction of those highways takes years to finish not to mention that it also creates unbearable traffic during its construction. The other less costly solution is â€Å"to encourage a few of the people who want to drive during those peak minutes to travel during a different part of the day† (O’Toole). The best way to do this is to charge a toll during peak hours and if charges already exist, make it higher so that people will be discouraged to use the roads during peak hours. This would discourage motorists to use the road during peak hours unless it is absolutely necessary. This solution has many advantages. One is this will decongest the roads because unnecessary travels can instead be move to off hours to avoid the toll or do car pooling to minimize the cost in toll fees. Second, it will lessen carbon emission in the atmosphere hence lessening the pollution that contributed to carbon change and our deteriorating health. This has already been done in other industries such as hotels and airlines where airline companies and hotel operators charge more during peak season and offer discounts during off season. It worked on these industries so it should also work in addressing the problems caused by

Thursday, October 17, 2019

High Fiber diet and regulation of oncogenes Research Paper

High Fiber diet and regulation of oncogenes - Research Paper Example Statistics reflecting the estimated cases of cancer and deaths caused by cancer in the United States have also been taken into account, so as to further strengthen the relevance of the topic. Oncogenes are proto-oncogenes turned bad -- genes that have undergone mutations (American Cancer Society, 2011); mutations are changes in the makeup of a gene’s building blocks, DNA (American Cancer Society, 2011). According to the theory of gene mutation, carcinogen interaction with deoxyribonucleic acid leads to irrevocable genetic changes (Devi, 2005, p. 18). Even a minute alteration in the arrangement of these building blocks can create a strong negative impact (American Cancer Society, 2011). Normally, proto-oncogenes are responsible for the encoding of proteins, which promote cell division and impede cell differentiation (Chial, 2008). On the other hand, these mutated proto-oncogenes â€Å"typically exhibit increased production of these proteins, thus leading to increased cell division, decreased cell differentiation, and inhibition of cell death† (Chial, 2008). The aforementioned process leads to cancer (Chial, 2008); hence, there is a need to regulate these onc ogenes. A â€Å"diet high in fiber† is made known to have a considerable impact in the shrinking of predisposition to â€Å"colorectal cancer† (Doheny, 2011). Doll and Peto were the first to highlight the existence of a link between diet composition and cancer -- an example of which is high-fiber diet and its effectivity in chemoprevention (as cited in Devi, 2005, p. 21). Carcinogenesis begins with initiation as normal genes are exposed to carcinogens (Devi, 2005, p. 16). After which, promotion follows -- a stage wherein the gene is repeatedly exposed to stimuli (Devi, 2005, p. 17). Thereafter, progression occurs; this is the proliferation of the mutated gene (Devi, 2005, p. 17). Devi

Who Owns History The Texas Textbook Controversy Essay - 1

Who Owns History The Texas Textbook Controversy - Essay Example The question on how history should be taught was brought to the limelight by the state of Texas. The Texas State Board of Education, in charge of the state’s curriculum, approved several controversial changes to be made to the textbooks in schools. The changes were included in the economic, social studies and history textbooks. These ‘improvements’ made by the education board emphasizes the Christianitys influence in the founding of America (Hutchins et. al. 652). The changes downplay the role of liberals and highlight the influence of conservative groups in American history. These changes, for the Texan board, seem minimal with no consequences on the American history, but the opposite is true. These small changes and tweaks in their curriculum seek to re-write the American history significantly for the students in Texas. Furthermore, the state of Texas is among the country’s biggest purchasers of History textbooks. This means that the changes in the Texan curriculum will slowly reflect in all schools throughout the country. They exclude the influence and existence of Thomas Jefferson, one of the country’s founding fathers. The Texan board excludes his influence on the Declaration of Independence and other vital legislation (Hutchins et. al. 653). Jefferson is not the only culprit of the Texan board; they further scrap off presidential runs of Ralph Nader and Ross Perot in their history books. There is a complete exclusion of the roles of Latinos and other races in America History. The changes implemented in the Texan History textbooks are endless, but it is heavily characterized by the conservative Christian influences. By changing and rewriting history of the state of Texas, the Texan board rewrote the world’s history. These changes made by the Texan board question the legitimacy of history and the appropriate way of teaching the subject. It is a universally accepted

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

High Fiber diet and regulation of oncogenes Research Paper

High Fiber diet and regulation of oncogenes - Research Paper Example Statistics reflecting the estimated cases of cancer and deaths caused by cancer in the United States have also been taken into account, so as to further strengthen the relevance of the topic. Oncogenes are proto-oncogenes turned bad -- genes that have undergone mutations (American Cancer Society, 2011); mutations are changes in the makeup of a gene’s building blocks, DNA (American Cancer Society, 2011). According to the theory of gene mutation, carcinogen interaction with deoxyribonucleic acid leads to irrevocable genetic changes (Devi, 2005, p. 18). Even a minute alteration in the arrangement of these building blocks can create a strong negative impact (American Cancer Society, 2011). Normally, proto-oncogenes are responsible for the encoding of proteins, which promote cell division and impede cell differentiation (Chial, 2008). On the other hand, these mutated proto-oncogenes â€Å"typically exhibit increased production of these proteins, thus leading to increased cell division, decreased cell differentiation, and inhibition of cell death† (Chial, 2008). The aforementioned process leads to cancer (Chial, 2008); hence, there is a need to regulate these onc ogenes. A â€Å"diet high in fiber† is made known to have a considerable impact in the shrinking of predisposition to â€Å"colorectal cancer† (Doheny, 2011). Doll and Peto were the first to highlight the existence of a link between diet composition and cancer -- an example of which is high-fiber diet and its effectivity in chemoprevention (as cited in Devi, 2005, p. 21). Carcinogenesis begins with initiation as normal genes are exposed to carcinogens (Devi, 2005, p. 16). After which, promotion follows -- a stage wherein the gene is repeatedly exposed to stimuli (Devi, 2005, p. 17). Thereafter, progression occurs; this is the proliferation of the mutated gene (Devi, 2005, p. 17). Devi

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

M1A3_Team develop and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M1A3_Team develop and Leadership - Essay Example The size of the team was determined based on the roles of all the team members. As such, the ten positions were necessary in an effort to increase the efficiency of the team (Daft & Lane 2008). The team was constituted in 2009 after the founders realized that it would play a crucial societal role. In addition, the â€Å"Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development† was instrumental in the formation of the team (Daft & Lane 2008). The team members acknowledged that members had similar interests. Moreover, each of the team members had to have exceptional ability to sing with the intention of producing better songs. Indeed, there is a distinct relation between the team and the goals, which it seeks to accomplish throughout their activities. For instance, the team focuses on inspiring the people they interact with through their activities, for example, singing (Hedgeman 2007). The major goals of this choir team include maintaining the group for a significantly long time. In addition, the group focuses on inspiring individuals through the songs. The group also focuses on creating a mentor position in its immediate environment. The mentor position will be instrumental in enhancing the inspirational levels (Knight& Fink 2003). The members of the choir collectively decide on the goals of this team. Consequently, this collective decision on goals enhances rapid growth of the choir. Since the team aims to inspire through their songs, they can develop as a team. Moreover, each member should be responsible to achieve perfect execution of the goals of the team. The team achieves this target when they constantly meet for their rehearsals (Maddux & Winfield 2003). Every member of the team is accountable in fulfilling the goals. Additionally, extensive levels of interconnectivity and connection in the team are supported. For instance, team members must meet on regular basis for practice; furthermore, they communicate on the team’s advancement. They can

Monday, October 14, 2019

Military and Civilians the Difference Is the Same Essay Example for Free

Military and Civilians the Difference Is the Same Essay The United States military is known for their â€Å"free† benefits to the armed forces. People say the military is like the civilian sector in terms of salary and benefits. This essay will look at two sections between military specifically using the Marine Corps for analysis and civilian sector using information for a logistician to see how similar these two groups are. The first comparison to be examined is the pay for the military. The military wages are based on a pay scale issued by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) grouped by time in grade and time in service (or their rank and how long that service member has been in). A Marine’s pay can fluctuate depending on numerous factors to include how many dependents they have, the cost of living where the Marine is stationed, and if the Marine is deployed to a combat zone. An example of this fluctuation is Marine Sergeant A of four years will make a base pay of $2,487 dollars while a Marine Sergeant B of ten years will make a base pay of $2,995. This increase in base pay is due to the Marine A being in for only four years while, Marine B is in for 10 years. This is how the pay scale is used by time in service. A pay raise in the military can come in two ways. The first way, according military.com, a pay raise is awarded as an annual pay raise issued by the House Armed Services Committee, which for the 2012 Fiscal Year was 1.6 percent. The second way a Marine can achieve a pay raise is through promotion to another grade (or rank). Using the above example in the case of the 10 year Sergeant with a base pay of 2,995 gets promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant his pay will increase from that 2,995 to $3,243. The comparison of the civilian pay is not as extensive as the military in the determination of pay. The civilian business sector determines pay or sal ary during the interview process. This means the pay an employee starts with begins early in the employment process. Government contractors give a salary range that they are willing to work for and if hired are paid within that range. The employee has the option to receive pay raises as well. The two ways a pay raise can be acquired by civilians are employee performance evaluations, and promotions. The first of the two options is achieved on an annual basis. The performance evaluation looks at how well you’ve done for the year in regards to your work performance, job knowledge, communication skills, initiative, teamwork, and many other factors. These factors are given a grade and depending on that overall score a percentage is calculated  and delegates how much a raise is deemed appropriate for the employee. The better the job performance all around, the better the raise will be. If your performance is subpar, then the raise percentage will also reflect the same. The next option for a pay raise is promotion. This is done as a reward for excellent service and the management seeing that and placing you in a higher position than you were to begin with. The terms of promotion would be discussed at the time of the position being offered. The military and civilian both show similarities in pay raises but show stark differences when it comes to each goups basic pay. The medical and educational benefits of the two groups are similar in they provide the same set of options. Medical, to include dental and vision, will begin our comparison. The military, according to military.com, provides active duty personnel with TRICARE Prime. This includes medical coverage, dental coverage and vision coverage. TRICARE Prime is accepted at military hospitals and clinics for all facets of medical, dental and vision care. In the civilian sector medical, vision, and dental are sponsored by different companies. As an example, Qinetiq North America uses Anthem as the companies medical and vision coverage while Delta Dental is used separately for its dental coverage. Education is another benefit that military and civilians partake of while employed. The military has many different types of tuition assistance that can be used by military personnel during enlistment and after discharge from active service. These education benefits include the Montgomery GI Bill and the Post 9/11 GI Bill. The military has tuition assistance that can be used while in the armed services and is provided free of charge to the service member. When the service member is discharged from the armed services, that person then has the option to use either the Montgomery GI Bill (MGB) or the Post 9/11 GI Bill. These two education benefits have duration of 36 months of use. The education benefits of a civilian in the work force can be limited. Many major companies provide some tuition assistance to their employees. Unlike the military once the employee leaves the company the education benefits end at the time of termination. The military and civilian sectors have many striking similarities. While the military is very black and white the civilian sector has room for  discussion in many of the benefits that have been examined. The militaries benefits are predetermined in terms of pay, medical and educational benefits. However, civilians have the same benefits but with more options to choose in terms of how much the employee gets compensated for working with the company and what medical care they want. Examining both groups shows that even though both groups operate differently they are in many ways the same. References 2012 Military Pay Charts. (n.d.). Military.com Benefits Resources. Retrieved from http://www.military.com/military/benefits/0,15465,2012-1pt6-Pct-Military-Pay,00.html Defense Finance and Accounting Services. (2012, January 10). Retrieved October 13, 2012, from http://www.dfas.mil/militarymembers.html TRICARE Prime Overview. (n.d.). Military.com Benefits. Retrieved October 13, 2012, from http://www.military.com/benefits/tricare/prime/tricare-prime-overview.html

Sunday, October 13, 2019

herody Free Essays on Homers Odyssey - Odysseus Is Not A Hero :: Homer Odyssey Essays

Odysseus Is Not A Hero A hero is "a man noted for his special achievements" according to the dictionary, but if you ask most people what a hero is, you will get the same general response. They will probably say "someone who does something for other people out of the goodness of his heart." Odysseus, who is the main character of the book "The Odyssey" written by Homer, would fit the dictionary's definition of a hero; but if you go deeper, looking at what people feel a hero is, he doesn't even come close. In the book, Odysseus does nothing out of the goodness of his heart. Even if Odysseus fought in the Trojan War, he is not a hero because he is self-centered and ignorant to other people's values and needs. There are multiple examples of Odysseus being self-centered, such as not taking people's advice. Odysseus was given advice from Circe that said not to try to fight Scylla even when she takes six of your men, but Odysseus tried to fight her and he lost three more men than the six he already lost. He also neglected to take the advice from his crew member, Eurylochus. Eurylochus told Odysseus not to send men to see what was on Circe's island and because he sent them anyway, they ended up being turned into pigs. Odysseus also neglects other people's lives when he takes action; such as when he tried to fight Scylla after strictly being told not to. Because of this ignorant action, he lost three more men on top of the other six. He also sacrificed men when he waited at the Cyclops' home for "gifts." Odysseus was very self-centered where real heroes are not. Odysseus also lacks the part of the hero profile which includes having a good heart. Odysseus definitely does not have this because he kills people without giving them a chance. Odysseus killed every one of the suitors in cold blood when most of them didn't commit a crime suitable for the death penalty. He also killed all of the maids who were raped by the suitors as if the had a choice in the matter. Odysseus also doesn't care about his crew members.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

KING TUT :: essays research papers

TOMB OF TUTANKHAMUN   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most famous Egyptian pharaoh today is, King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun is also known as King Tut. The name â€Å"Tutankhamun† is derived from hieroglyphics which means â€Å"Living Image of Amun.† He was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, he also was the son in law of Akhenaton. Tutankhamun was not a important King, he is well known because of his tomb, containing beautiful treasures. King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered by an British archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon in 1922.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun lived over 3,300 years ago. The period he lived in was called the New Kingdom. During this period the Egyptians were worshipping multiple gods. Amenhotep had abolished this belief and had established a new order to worship the sun god Aten, which then he changed his name to Akhenaten, meaning â€Å"servant of the Aten.† A new religion and capital was established in Thebes. His new city was called Akhetaten, meaning â€Å"Horizon of the Aten.† Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti had six daughters, and no one to be the next pharaoh. Ankhesenpaaten was one of the daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Ankhesenpaaten married Tutankhamun. After the death of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun became the next pharaoh at age 9. Since he became a pharaoh at such a young age, he was not able to make decisions. Ay who was the father of Nefertiti and Horemheb who was the commander in chief of the army was in charge. Tutankhamun was taught many skills when he was young. He spent most of his years in the palaces of Akhenaten, he was tutored in reading and writing. King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun unfortunately died at the age of 18. There is partial evidence that King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun might have died of an accident falling off his horse or perhaps he was murdered. King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun burial arrangements lasted 70 days.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun Tomb was located in the Valley of the Kings in Luxar Egypt. Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon discovered King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun’s Tomb, his tomb contained the most beautiful treasures. It is said that it was a magnificent collection of Egyptian art. King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun treasures are displayed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun Tomb contained more than 5000 items. Although it was robbed at least twice right after King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun was buried, but most of the kings treasure was still there.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most beautiful piece found in King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun’s Tomb is his coffin made of solid gold. It is 74† long, 20†wide and 20† high. King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun was shown as Osiris holding the crook and flail.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Communication Opinion Paper

Communication Opinion Paper Christine Kendall HCS/320 November 18, 2012 Tralicia Brown Communication Opinion Paper Introduction Effective communication in health care is crucial for health care professionals, the patients and the establishment providing the care. It can mean the difference between life and death. When there is not enough communication within the health care industry, medical care will not be given effectively due to mistakes that will be made when things are not clear.When lives are at stake, effective communication is a must in the health care industry. Effective Communication and its Elements Effective communication involves more than understanding information that is being conveyed. How a person understands and receives a message are two different things therefore understanding feelings, thoughts, wants, and needs are crucial in effective communication (Cheesebro, O’Connor, & Rios, 2010). The success of every relationship whether it’s personal or pro fessional relies on a person’s ability to communicate effectively.Becoming a skilled communicator requires learning the elements necessary for effective public speaking, interpersonal relationships, and business relations. The four basic elements of effective communication are sender, receiver, message, and feedback. The first component is the sender/receiver which acts as a transceiver by speaking to someone and receiving nonverbal feedback simultaneously. â€Å"The message is the idea, thought, feeling, or opinion to be communicated† (Cheesebro, O’Connor, & Rios, 2010, chap 1).It is important to recognize not only the content of the message, but also the nonverbal communication that you may be sending as well. â€Å"Feedback is the receiver’s response to the message and indicates how the message is seen, heard, and understood, and often how the receiver feels about the message and/or the sender† (Cheesebro, O’Connor, & Rios, 2010, chap 1). Elements of Effective Communication and Rules of Health Care Communication Health communication is â€Å"the way we seek, process and share health information† (du Pre, 2005, pg 8).Health communication is based on personal goals, skills, culture, situational factors, and being considerate of other people’s feelings (du Pre, 2005). People are influenced greatly by other people and rely on others to help meet their goals. As du Pre (2005) explains health care providers have many goals such as patient health and showing their knowledge. Patient’s also have many goals when it comes to their health care such as wanting to get better and to be reassured. Whether or not these goals are met is based on effective health communication.Recognizing interdependence and that no one communicates alone has influence on the effectiveness of communication. Being friendly and honest will help others feel comfortable enough to be friendly and honest with you. People who communicat e well are sensitive to other people’s feelings and expectations. This includes listening carefully, being aware of other cultures and their personal preferences. Another example of effective communication in health is recognizing shared meaning. What an action means depends on the people and the circumstances involved† (du Pre, 2005, pg 8). This is usually based on how people respond to each other by smiling, nodding their head, or an angry look. This will let you know how people are responding to your conversation (du Pre, 2005). How to Communicate Candidly Effective interpersonal communication between a patient and a health care provider is one of the most important elements in patient satisfaction, compliance and the outcome of patient health.Despite this acknowledgement of the importance of interpersonal communication, in medical training the subject is not always emphasized. Effective interpersonal communication can lead to the patient offering enough information to lead to a diagnosis, the provider and the client both can discuss an acceptable treatment plan, the client and the provider are both committed to fulfilling their responsibilities during and after treatment (de Negri, Brown, Hernandez, Rosenbaum, & Roter, 2012).The following steps to effective communication and encouraging the client to communicate candidly include: encouraging a two-way dialogue, establishing a partnership between client and consumer, creating a caring atmosphere, bridging any social gaps between provider and client, accounting for social influences, effectively using verbal and non-verbal communication, and allowing the client enough time to tell their story (de Negri, Brown, Hernandez, Rosenbaum, & Roter, 2012). Cultural Differences and CommunicationExcellent cultural communication skills are beneficial to relationships with colleagues, clients, and customers and improve business performance. If challenges and opportunities are handled well when working with p eople from different cultural backgrounds, they can increase productivity, improve performance, innovation, and progress (Kaplan & Cunningham, 2010). There are a few tips when conversing with someone from a different culture which can increase your chances for being understood. These are: Know yourself and your own cultural Context. Read also: â€Å"Advice About Communication†Think about how your culture context impacts your communication style. Know your audience. Some cultures are more direct than others, speaking less verbally and rely more on nonverbal communication. Yes does not always mean yes. Respect English language barriers. When speaking to someone who does not speak English there are tips to make sure that you are being understood. These tips include: speak slower, avoid the use of slang words, take breaks in the conversation and don’t surprise people.Respect your audience and do not judge. Try looking at situations with different cultures as different not right or wrong. Ask questions to make sure they understand. (Kaplan & Cunningham, 2010). Conclusion Due to the fact that when there is not enough communication within the health care industry, medical care will not be given effectively, it is crucial for health care professionals to learn the skills necessary for effective communicati on. It can mean the difference between life and death.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Importance of Attending All Your Classes

So have you ever asked yourself or wondered: What’s the importance of attending all your classes, and what’s the importance of actively participating in class discussions? Well you will soon find out that it is so very important that you do attend all your classes and that you are actively participating in class discussions. First let’s answer what’s the importance of attending all your classes? Well to start off with attending class helps you to learn in many different ways. Lectures help you out on reading assignments, class presentations show information differently than the text, discussion of topics provides current or new information, and hearing comments and questions of others may answer your own questions. Taking your classes seriously is the only way that you will ever do well in college. Going to class is a good thing because well you paid for it. Why throw your money away simply because you don't feel like going? Don't let your teacher get free money, and then give them an excuse to fail you. Why would you even sign up for college if you weren't going to go to class in the first place? There is no reason not to go to class if you are going to college. That is why you go to school, because you are taking classes to learn. It’s only beneficial to you! Moving on, what’s the importance of actively participating in class discussions? Well the most important reason is that the teacher will consider your participation as a positive sign you are listening, willing to cooperate and most importantly willing to learn. And it also means that you are alert and thinking about what's being taught. In addition you may have valuable opinions and ideas which your classmates or teacher may need or want to hear. If you don't speak up and share, how will they know? Also you learn more by challenging and discussing the idea or topic presented. And lastly some classes may give a participation credit. So the more you participate in class discussions the better participation grade you will receive and you’ll learn more that way too! So just go to class, and participate in class discussions. It can be annoying, but you will get more out of the class if you take if you actually go. Sure, class can be boring, and they can be really early or late sometimes, but it pays to go. You learn more, you get more information, it’s beneficial for you and you get the most for the money that you paid for school. It is a huge investment, and you should take it seriously.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bskyb Marketing Plan

BSKYB | MARKETING PLAN | | MATHEW KURIAN STUDENT ID – 4745251| EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The rationale of this report is to write a Marketing Plan for an existing company in the UK (BSkyB Sky), selected from any industry (telecommunication industry). This plan is aimed at identifying ways in which the firm designs its strategy for the next 5 years. BSkyB (Sky) should target acquiring 30% of the yearly revenue by 2018, after five years of systematic implementation of the extended marketing plan.The target markets of BSkyB are both individual citizens and small business enterprises, where the later will be at the centre in the targeting. BSkyB (Sky) is to segment the targeted markets geographically where the concentration will be small cities in UK. BSkyB (Sky) will concentrate its product/service strategy on SMS texting, apart from other common mobile communication services. BSkyB (Sky) plans competitive pricing to appeal the customers in UK mobile telecommunication sector.When it come s to distribution strategy, BSkyB (Sky) will place its services to the organized retail shops in the UK mobile telecommunication sector. For some markets, the distribute shops will be opened BSkyB (Sky) in malls of the geographically segmented cities. In order to reach the targeted customers in UK mobile telecommunication market BSkyB (Sky) will centrally focus on advertising so far as promotion is concerned. INTRODUCTION BSkyB (Sky) is a comparatively youthful firm in UK telecommunication industry, however has a considerable and rising track in the UK.BSkyB (Sky) offers an array of entertainment and communications services to just about 40% of homes, where its aired television channels are watched by more than half the populace every week in the country, and moreover BSkyB (Sky) employs thousands of group all through the different regions of UK the country. BSkyB (Sky) claims to have changed consumers’ experience of television and home communications in UK, whilst making mom entous returns for its shareholders and further confidently contribute to the economy of the country overall. More clearly, overall, BSkyB (Sky) was projected to s put in a ? 5. billion giving to UK GDP in the year of 2011. So far as UK telecommunication industry is concerned, BSkyB (Sky) is fast emerging as a major player in the industry as regards the market segments of broadband and telephony markets, though its performance in these market segments are yet to be acknowledged as leading (CorporateSky, 2013). The major facts about BSkyB (Sky) are presented in the Table. Table: Key Facts: BSkyB (Sky) Source: BSkyB (2013) Adjusted operating profit for BSkyB (Sky) is a foremost measure of the underlying business performance. It has increased by 14% in 2012(? m) Source: CorporateSky (2013)Even though BSkyB (Sky) is making substantial profits restricting its operation the solo targeted segment of UK telecommunication market, yet it has ample opportunity to grow and increase profits shif ting gears, where there ia an opportunity awaiting in mobile telecommunications services market segment. It is in this context that a marketing planning is developed for BSkyB (Sky) in this report. IDENTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OF MARKET The marketing process of a firm all concerns to planning and implementation of the research objectives defined in terms of the identified market segment to be targeted.This is what marketing management is described as an order of selecting target markets and further based on marketing planning acquire, carry on, and nurture customers all the way through generating , bringing and communicating advanced customer value. In this framework, marketing practitioners in firms are expected to be possessing proficient skill as per the requirements in the market, and they need to look for controlling the echelon, time, and concerto of demand (Mullins, Boyd and Larreche, 2006). The marketing attempt is connected to not only servicing he customers but as well be nefiting the firms. So far as identification and assessment of the market is concerned, the procedure all concerns to analysing marketing opportunities, deciding target markets, planning marketing strategies, extending marketing agendas and finally monitoring and controlling the marketing endeavor that largely connect to marketing planning . However, a foremost component of the marketing planning process is discerning, innovative marketing strategies and plans that may well direct marketing attempts (Kotler and Keller, 2009:80).In this direction, the first and foremost task is to identify the opportunities in the market and find out the prospective segments where a firm can take opportunities to enhance its business and profitability. This report all concerns to identifying and assessing potential segments for BSkyB (Sky) UK telecommunication market. This business organizing operating in UK telecommunication industry is yet to make a mark and achieve a leading position.On the basis of identified market opportunities, it might be suggested to BSkyB (Sky) to concentrate on mobile telecommunications services, which appears a promising market segment, where BSkyB (Sky) huge opportunities to expand its business and so the profitability in order to emerge as a leading player in UK telecommunication industry. It is worth to mention here that UK mobile telecommunications market corresponds to one of the most striking tele-communications markets globally , with the mobile telecommunications services market segment creating just about ? 1 billion of revenue yearly, where yearly growth in this market segment is projected to total ? 900 million yearly. Therefore, BSkyB (Sky) should target acquiring 30% of the yearly revenue by 2018, after five years of systematic implementation of the extended marketing plan. MARKETING PLAN The marketing plan is the most fundamental tool for expressing and integrating the marketing attempts whilst targeting to a specific market. The marke ting plan functions on two echelons namely strategic and tactical. Firstly when it comes to strategic marketing planning it all concerns to establishing target markets and the value offer for the customers.On the other hand, the tactical marketing planning spells out the product, price, place and promotion as strategies (Kotler and Keller, 2009:80). In the Figure a methodical process of marketing plan model is developed that involves planning, implementation, and controlling. Figure: Marketing Planning Model Source: Kotler and Keller (2006) In order to develop marketing planning for BSkyB (Sky), the both the strategic and tactical approach is adopted where the focus of the marketing efforts is concentrating on marketing mix components in the forms of product, price place, and promotion, apart from segmentation and targeting.Moreover, the marketing planning process for BSkyB (Sky) is developed based on the model extended by Kotler and Keller (2009) as mentioned above. This marketing planning is developed for BSkyB (Sky) to target the mobile telecommunication market segment in UK telecommunication market, so that BSkyB (Sky) could expand its business in the market and emerge as a leading player in the segment with enhancing its profitability for ensuring long term survival and sustainability. The planning involves marketing objectives, segmentation and targeting.The implementation involves marketing mix strategy and finally controlling involves measuring and reviewing the mid term achievements. This marketing plan is developed keeping in mind the duration of five years. Marketing Objectives, Targeting and Segmentation The process and strategy of segmentation all concerns to positioning strategy of a firm in the market, where the firm has already recognized and assessed the targeted customers , and further it is indispensable to determine as what position the firm wishes to engage in the selected market segments (Armstrong and Kotler, 2005).For getting done a thr iving positioning, whilst the target customers discover that the product fulfills their wishes and needs, there are strategies the firm needs to peruse in the forms of defining objectives, deciding target markets and for segmentation(Mullins, Boyd and Larreche, 2006; Kotler and Keller, 2009). UK mobile telecommunications market corresponds to one of the most striking telecommunications markets globally, with the mobile telecommunications services market segment creating just about ? 21 billion of revenue early, where yearly growth in this market segment is projected to total ? 900 million yearly. Therefore, BSkyB (Sky) should target acquiring 30% of the yearly revenue from mobile telecommunications services market segment by 2018, after five years of systematic implementation of the extended marketing plan. The target markets of BSkyB are both individual citizens and small business enterprises, where the later will be at the centre in the targeting. BSkyB (Sky) is to segment the tar geted markets geographically where the concentration will be small cities in UK. Marketing Mix StrategyThe strategy of marketing mix involves deciding strategy about the four components of marketing mix namely product, price, place and promotion. In fact marketing mix strategy is trademark of marketing actions. Marketing mix is in fact a conscious attempt as regards division of a firm to decide on their offered products/services that eventually determine the success/failure of the firm in the market. Hence, the marketing mix strategy should be in line with the point in time, competition and the hope of the customers (Armstrong and Kotler, 2005). Accordingly the marketing mix strategy is developed for BSkyB (Sky).Product/Service BSkyB (Sky) will concentrate its product/service strategy on SMS texting, apart from other common mobile communication services. Price BSkyB (Sky) plans competitive pricing to appeal the customers in UK mobile telecommunication sector. This implies that BSkyB (Sky) will decrease or increase the price of services keeping in mind the movements of competitors, though high pricing strategy will be avoided in order to penetrate the market. Place When it comes to distribution strategy, BSkyB (Sky) will place its services to the organized retail shops in the UK mobile telecommunication sector.For some markets, the distribute shops will be opened BSkyB (Sky) in malls of the geographically segmented cities. Promotion In order to reach the targeted customers in UK mobile telecommunication market BSkyB (Sky) will centrally focus on advertising so far as promotion is concerned. The budgeting of promotion is to be as following: Print Advertising| Electronic Advertising| Internet Advertising | Others| 25%%| 35%| 30%| 10%| Controlling Strategy Yearly or half yearly controlling of marketing plan is suggestive in order to make sure that the firm is not wastefully expending and achieving the marketing objectives as per planning.So far as performance achi evement is concerned financially the foremost ratio to watch is marketing expense-to-sales ratio. Moreover, the period-to-period fluctuations in every ratio may well be tracked on a control diagram. The conduct of consecutive remarks even within the higher and lower control limits ought to be looked at (Mullins, Boyd and Larreche, 2006). UK mobile telecommunications market corresponds to one of the most striking telecommunications markets globally , with the mobile telecommunications services market segment creating just about ? 1 billion of revenue yearly , where yearly growth in this market segment is projected to total ? 900 million yearly. Therefore, BSkyB (Sky) should target acquiring 30% of the yearly revenue by 2018, after five years of systematic implementation of the extended marketing plan. The achievement in this regard will be evaluated on yearly basis. Furthermore, period-to-period fluctuations in every ratio will be tracked on a control diagram by the marketing practit ioners in BSkyB (Sky). Following is the planning of controlling on yearly basis. 1st year| 2nd year| 3rd year | 4th year | 5th year | %| 5%| 10%| 5%| 5%| In order achieve the marketing objectives, performance evaluation will be conducted on half yearly basis, and in the case of success/failure of achieving targets, further planning will reviewed accordingly. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Even though BSkyB (Sky) is making substantial profits restricting its operation the solo targeted segment of UK telecommunication market, yet it has ample opportunity to grow and increase profits shifting gears, where there ia an opportunity awaiting in mobile telecommunications services market segment.BSkyB (Sky) should target acquiring 30% of the yearly revenue by 2018, after five years of systematic implementation of the extended marketing plan. In order to develop marketing planning for BSkyB (Sky), the both the strategic and tactical approach is adopted where the focus of the marketing effort s is concentrating on marketing mix components in the forms of product, price place, and promotion, apart from segmentation and targeting. BSkyB (Sky) should target acquiring 30% of the yearly revenue from mobile telecommunications services market segment by 2018, after five years of systematic implementation of the extended marketing plan.The target markets of BSkyB are both individual citizens and small business enterprises, where the later will be at the centre in the targeting. BSkyB (Sky) is to segment the targeted markets geographically where the concentration will be small cities in UK. BSkyB (Sky) will concentrate its product/service strategy on SMS texting, apart from other common mobile communication services. BSkyB (Sky) plans competitive pricing to appeal the customers in UK mobile telecommunication sector.When it comes to distribution strategy, BSkyB (Sky) will place its services to the organized retail shops in the UK mobile telecommunication sector. For some markets, the distribute shops will be opened BSkyB (Sky) in malls of the geographically segmented cities. In order to reach the targeted customers in UK mobile telecommunication market BSkyB (Sky) will centrally focus on advertising so far as promotion is concerned. Period-to-period fluctuations in every ratio will be tracked on a control diagram by the marketing practitioners in BSkyB (Sky).In order achieve the marketing objectives, performance evaluation will be conducted on half yearly basis. REFERENCES Armstrong, G. and Kotler, P. (2005), Marketing: An Introduction, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall Inc. , Upper Saddle River, N. J. Company Report (2012), BSkyB (Sky) Industry Report (2012), UK Mobile Telecommunication Industry: Euromonitor International. Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2006), Marketing Management, 12th Edition, Prentice Hall Inc. , Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Mullins, J. W. Walker, O. C. , Boyd, H. W. and Larreche, J. C. (2006), Marketing Management, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York. BSkyB (2013), â€Å"Key facts & figures†. [Online] accessed from http://corporate. sky. com/about_sky/key_facts_and_figures [22 March, 2013] CorporateSky (2013), â€Å"British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc : Unaudited results for the six months ended 31 December 2012†. [Online] accessed from http://corporate. sky. com/documents/pdf/latest_results/q2_press_release_201213. pdf [23rd March, 2013]